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- ! stands for exactly one character, e.g. propr!!! is finding words beginning with 'propr' and counting eight characters.
- * stands for 1 to 15 characters, e.g. con*nes is finding all words beginning with 'con', ending with 'nes' and counting 7 to 21 characters.
- ? stands for no or one character, e.g. ?eta????? is finding besides other words (as petatur) all possible declination forms of aetas and etas.
Logical Operators:
- + stands for logical AND (e.g. autem+enim).
- , stands for the logical OR (e.g. autem,aut).
- # stands for the negation (e.g. autem+#enim).
With Javascript enabled, the operators +,# can be used. With Javascript disabled, in their place you can use @u@ (for +), @o@ (for ,) and ^ (for #).Within the operands, wildcards can be used (e.g. con*nes+enim+#vanae).
Logical AND query with the distance between the two search terms:
con*nes/5enim finds con*nes and enim, if there are no more than 5 words between the two search terms, while the sequence can be con*nes - enim or enim - con*nes.
con*nes%5enim finds con*nes and enim, if there are no more than 5 words in between, but only the sequence con*nes - enim is allowed.% works with Javascript, alternatively : can be used.
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