Navigate in content of Cod. Sang. 68 which has been linked with edition texts, including other authors/works.6 a1____: Hieronymus, Iob89 a1___: ____________, Tobias119 a1__: ____________, Prologi,PROLOGUS IUDITH120 a1__: ____________, Iudith161 a16_: ____________, Prologi,PROLOGUS HESTER163 a1__: ____________, Esther207 a1__: ____________, ad Romanos243 a1__: ____________, ad Corinthios I277 a11_: ____________, ad Corinthios II301 a12_: ____________, ad Galatas313 a14_: ____________, ad Ephesios326 a1__: ____________, ad Philippenses334 a15_: ____________, ad Colossenses343 a1__: ____________, ad Thessalonicenses I351 a1__: ____________, ad Thessalonicenses II355 a17_: ____________, ad Timotheum I365 a17_: ____________, ad Timotheum II371 a1__: ____________, ad Titum375 a1__: ____________, ad Philemonem377 a1__: ____________, ad Hebraeos© 2006 - 2024 Monumenta Informatik